Scroll to see SeaClear2.0’s results spanning technological innovation, stakeholder activation and engagement, and policy recommendations.
- Weston, J., Tolić, D. & Palunko, I. Application of Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman Equation/Pontryagin’s Principle for Constrained Optimal Control. J Optim Theory Appl 200, 437–462 (2024). Read more
- Ioana Lal, Irinel-Constantin Morarescu, Jamal Daafouz, Lucian Busoniu. Near-optimal control of nonlinear systems with hybrid inputs and dwell-time constraints. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023, 7, pp.2455-2460. ff10.1109/LCSYS.2023.3285591ff. ffhal-04154576. Read more
- Đuraš, A., Wolf, B.J., Ilioudi, A. et al. A Dataset for Detection and Segmentation of Underwater Marine Debris in Shallow Waters. Sci Data 11, 921 (2024). Read more
- Bilal Yousuf, Radu Herzal, Zsófia Lendek, Lucian Buşoniu, Multi-agent active multi-target search with intermittent measurements, Control Engineering Practice,
Volume 153, 2024, 106094, ISSN 0967-0661, Read more
- T. Sântejudean, Ş. Ungur, R. Herzal, I.-C. Morărescu, V.S. Varma, L. Buşoniu, Globally convergent path-aware optimization with mobile robots, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, Volume 55, 2025, 101546, ISSN 1751-570X, Read more
project Deliverables
D1.2 Innovation and Risk Management Report
The purpose of this document is to facilitate co-operation and streamlined collaboration across the
consortium through the definition of guidelines and procedures to be followed for project specific documentation and communication. The ultimate objective of this Innovation and Risk Management
Report is to serve as reference consistently used by the consortium members to ensure concrete and quality results in line with the work plan of the SeaClear2.0 project.
Data Management Plan
D1.3 Data Management Plan
This data management plan is developed to ensure that project data will be managed in a way that maximizes its value, facilitates its sharing and reuse, and complies with relevant policies, regulations, and standards. The data management plan provides clear guidelines to effectively organize, document, store, and share research results in compliance with components of quality, transparency, and reusability. The use of reliable techniques for data collection, processing, analysis, and preservation supports these guidelines.
Marine Litter Domain Report
D2.1 Marine litter occurrence domains report
This report defines the problem that the SeaClear2.0 system needs to tackle. A marine litter occurrence analysis is conducted for each demonstration or pilot site within the project and marine litter hotspots and typology at each site are discussed.
Public Demonstrations, Pilot Sites and Showcases Plan
D2.2 Public Demonstrations, Pilot Sites and Showcases Plan
This report describes the specific areas of use of the SeaClear2.0 system and defines the technical, environmental and infrastructural preconditions to deploy the system, and prove its functionality and efficiency.
Download D2.2 Public Demonstrations, Pilot and Showcases Plan.
Product and Service Data Sheet
D2.3 Product and Service Data Sheet
This document presents the Product and Service data sheet which describes the SeaClear2.0 system preliminary specifications on which the system has been designed, and its expected operational
Marine Litter Dataset
D2.4P Marine Litter Dataset
This report exploits the SeaClear2.0 project technical requirements in reference to the creation of a database for storing, curating and organising data needed for training the Machine Learning (ML) models used within the project’s robotic solution for detection and classification of marine litter.
Integrated System Hardware Trials Report
D3.6 Integrated System Hardware Trials Report
This report describes the trials of the integrated hardware, conducted at
Subsea Tech seaside facilities in Marseille, Fraunhofer CML facilities in
Hamburg and UNIDU facilities in Dubrovnik. The objective was to verify
that all hardware interactions (mechanical, electronic, communication)
were operational. A real piece of litter (car tire) pick-up was undertaken,
in teleoperated mode, to validate this integration.
This deliverable has been submitted to the European Commission. Final approval is pending.
Sensory System Upgrade Report
D4.1 Sensory System Upgrade Report
This report describes the results of trials with the sensors to be mounted on the observation ROV, the USV, the UAV and the grapple for litter detection and classification.
Communication, Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and Plan
D6.1 Communication, Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and Plan Product and Service Data Sheet
This document describes how the project will transfer project results to key target audiences in a timely, effective, and well-managed fashion using tailored Communication, Dissemination, Stakeholder Engagement tools
Download D6.1 Communication, Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and Plan
Dissemination Resources
D6.2 Dissemination Resources
This report, Deliverable 6.2 “Dissemination Resources”, is the second deliverable of Work Package 6 of the SeaClear2.0 project, which deals with public engagement, policy and dissemination. It is complementary to D6.1 ‘Communication, Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and Plan’ as it presents the main communication resources developed for the project. The report begins with a brief introduction (Chapter 1), and moves on to present the visual identity and brand of SeaClear2.0 (Chapter 2), the communication templates (Chapter 3) and the communication tools/channels (Chapter 4) developed. The last part of the report (Chapter 5) acts as a short communication and dissemination guide for the partners.
Call for Tender Design for Associated Regions
D7.2 Call for Tender Design for Associated Regions
This document summarizes the development of the Open Call for tender to attract and award respective proposals from interested Associated Regions wishing to become part of, contribute to, and benefit from the SeaClear2.0 project.
IPR Strategy
D10.2 IPR Strategy
This deliverable presents the guidelines on the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management. The deliverable is produced in the context of Work Package 10 Exploitation and IPR management and is related to Task 10.2 IPR management. Intellectual Property Rights management involve the identification, control and recording of knowledge. This document should be considered in conjunction with the SeaClear2.0 Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement signed by all project partners.
D10.4 Cost Benefit Assessment
This deliverable explores the saleable products and services in terms of
benefit/effectiveness compared to actual existing monitoring and clean up options.
This deliverable has been submitted to the European Commission. Final approval is pending.